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长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项

2024-01-12 17:29:45 | 留学摆渡人

长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项很多朋友对这方面很关心,留学摆渡人整理了相关文章,供大家参考,一起来看一下吧!


长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项



长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项


Part One


Are you a student?
What is your major?
What is the most interesting thing about your study?
What kind of job would you like to do in the future?

1. Weather

l What kind of weather do you like most? Why?

l What is the typical weather in China?

l Do you listen to the weather forecast?

2. Hometown

l Where is your hometown?

3. Clothes

l Do you like fashionable clothes?

l What kind of clothes do you like?

l What is the change of clothes in the past and now?

l What kind of clothes do Chinese people like?

4. public transportation

5. drawing/painting

6. sports

l Do you often do sports?

7. driving

l Do you have a driving license?

l Did you have driving lessons in your high school?

l Would you ask your children to drive a car in the future?

8. Ads

l Do you see a lot of advertisements?

l What kind of advertisements do you like?

9. house

l Do you live in a house or an apartment?

l Can you introduce your apartment?

10. newspaper or magazine

l Do you read newspapers or magazines in your free time?

l What content is your favorite?

l Have you ever read any English newspapers and magazines?

11. Cooking

l Do you like cooking?

l Who does the most cooking in your family?

12. Job

l What is your ideal job?

Part Two

1. A public event

2. An healthy thing

3. A wild animal from your country

4. A book you read in your childhood

5. favorite subject

6. a magazine or newspaper that you read

7. a TV program that you dislike (10年的翻新题,高频考的)

8. a movie

9. a person

10. a picnic

11. equipment

12. a talk show that made you a deep depression

13. a job you would like to take in the future

14. travelling experience

15. a science course

16. an activity in your childhood

17. a person who helped u

18. an extreme sport

19. an activity you would like to do

20. a place with water

21. Describe something recently happen to you and made you happy.
- when and where was this happened. - what was it. - who were with you there. - why you felt happy about it.

Part 3: Do you think money and happiness have close relations?
How people feel happy in the past is different from today, what do you think?
Do you think the happiness that people buy from money is the same from what they gain from relationships?
Do people get happiness from work?
Do people have money can still feel not happy?

22. describe a place/city you have visited or lived.

23. a help you got

24. a traditional Chinese festival

25. an important conversation

26. a happy event in your childhood

27. a special meal

长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项留学摆渡人





1.猜意思,就是听到关键词来猜测他问的是什么意思,能够猜就猜,千万不要因为一点听不懂就pardon?这样会给考官留下不好印象,而且硬性打分中,你的流畅度分数也会被打低。你可以加上这样一句话:Sorry, I am not quite sure about what you've said while my best guess is……




以上就是留学摆渡人为大家带来的长沙环球雅思口语题库 雅思口语练习时的五大注意事项,希望能帮助到大家!
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