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专业留学出国详情介绍英文 出国留学 求英文自我介绍

2024-01-16 22:05:06 | 留学摆渡人

今天留学摆渡人小编整理了专业留学出国详情介绍英文 出国留学 求英文自我介绍相关内容,希望能帮助到大家,一起来看下吧。


专业留学出国详情介绍英文 出国留学 求英文自我介绍

出国留学 求英文自我介绍

Hello,everyone! I'm so happy to be here today. I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is ______. I'm from China. My hometown is Jilin Province, which is in northern China. I'm going to study English here, after the English program I will learn Enterprise Management. I'm a friendly and easygoing boy(person), I look forward to making friends with all of you. Thank you!

专业留学出国详情介绍英文 出国留学 求英文自我介绍留学摆渡人


  1. What’s your purpose to go to Singapore?

    to have a different study experience.

    2.Will you came back to China?
    Yes, of course..

    3.If you can choose Peking University or Tsinghua University in china, Singapore national university as well, which one would you like and why?
    SNU is my first choice

    4.If you like literature, will you like tragedies or comedies more? And why?

    I like both..cauze both are moving

    5.What’s your plan for the future?
    come back to china and find a job,living with my family

    6.What do you like best?


    7.Could you interpret your value in your mind?

    I m a honest person, which is the reason i have many friends

    8.What’s your goal? How will you achieve it?
    my purpose is to becaome a useful person for the society..so i would like to help people

    9.Do you have an idol in your mind? Who and why?
    my father..he studied hard and work hard to give us a good life..he is a resposiblity person.

    10How do you like your high school entrance examination?

    Top 100 of the total 2000 students

专业留学出国详情介绍英文 出国留学 求英文自我介绍


高考英语中午:出国留学  Overseas studying   In recent year,overseas studying is very popular. More and more people go abroad in order to studying.    Different people have different idears on this phenomenon.Some people think that it is no neccersary,beacause they think that the knowledge in motherland is enough.However,other people approve of overseas studying.They think it is helpful to improve themselves in learning and working.    In my opinion,it is beneficial.First,it provides many chances for people who want to make progress;second,it is a mind-exparding experience,people who went abroad can obtain the culture,customs and so on;third,facing with the vocational pressure nowdays.It is very important chances to overseas studying .    So ,I think overseas studying is very important to everyone.出国留学的英语作文出国留学给学生们提供了更广阔的人生机会,那么各国对于英语的问题都有哪些呢?下面就出国留学的英语作文的情况做一下分析,出国留学英语作文。  出国留学:非英语国家行情看涨作为历年中国学生留学的风向标,今年的教育展上,英、美国家留学不再独领风骚,后来居上的法、德留学,以其学费低廉、教育质量高等优势,引来咨询者络绎不绝;而据主办方透露,我国出国留学人数已连续两年下降,说明中国学生选择出国越来越理性,小学生作文《出国留学英语作文》。  不过几家欢喜几家愁,相比法、德留学的火爆场面,其他小语种国家留学展台前,始终人较少,不少前来招生的老外索性聊起天来。首次来中国招生的阿联酋迪拜大学城,一连租下四五个展位,惹眼有余却人气不足。负责人坦言,中国学生对于迪拜了解甚微,当地华人学生也不多,他们此行不但招生,还肩负宣传迪拜教育的重任。而首度来华的西班牙雷胡安·卡洛斯大学招生人员则表示,语言并非中国学生留西门槛,签证成功率较低才是致命伤。  出国留学租房实用英语  出国留学如何租房子这次来给大家介绍一些简单实用的租房英语。如果你正准备去国外留学、租房的话,这些表达可是非常实用的。  Doyouhaveanyapartmentsforrentrightnow?  你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?  假设今天我们在报纸上看到房屋出租(Tolease,Tolet)的广告,接下来要做的就是打电话给租屋中介(leasingagent)或是房东(landlord,landlady)确定一下有没有房子要出租。寒暄一两句之后,就可以直接切入正题,Doyouhaveanyapartmentsforrentrightnow、Doyouhaveanyapartmentavailablerightnow或是Doyoustillhaveavacancy?(还有空的公寓吗?)都是不错的讲法。  同样的问法也常见于去旅馆开房间时,通常一进旅馆,我就会先问,Doyouhaveanyroomsavailable或是Doyoustillhaveavacancy不过很多旅馆特别是Motel,招牌下都会挂一个NoVacancy的灯,如果还有空房间,则No是暗的,只见Vacancy的灯是亮着。如果客满的话,则整个NoVacancy的灯都是亮着的,各位不妨在进旅馆前先确定一下。


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