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英国金斯顿留学费用 英国金斯顿大学音乐专业申请解析

2024-02-13 15:27:21 | 留学摆渡人

小编今天整理了一些英国金斯顿留学费用 英国金斯顿大学音乐专业申请解析相关内容,希望能够帮到大家。


英国金斯顿留学费用 英国金斯顿大学音乐专业申请解析


Art and Design
排名 大学英文简称 大学中文名称
1 University College London 伦敦大学学院
2 Brunel 布鲁内尔大学
3 Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学
4 Loughborough 拉夫堡大学
5 Reading 雷丁大学
6 Goldsmiths College 金匠学院
7 Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学
8 Oxford 牛津大学
9 Bangor 班戈大学
10 Brighton 布莱顿大学
11 Salford 索尔福德大学
12 Leeds 利兹大学
13 Aberystwyth 阿伯雷斯威斯大学
14 Dundee 邓迪大学
15 Lancaster 兰卡斯特大学
16 Kent 肯特大学
17 Nottingham Trent 诺丁汉特伦特大学
18 Falmouth 法尔默思大学
19 Kingston 金斯顿大学
20 Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学
21 Robert Gordon 罗伯特戈登大学
22 Westminster 威斯敏斯特大学
23 Southampton 南安普顿索伦特大学
24 Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯大学
25 Greenwich 格林威治大学
26 Coventry 考文垂大学
27 Heriot-Watt 赫瑞瓦特大学
28 Northumbria 诺森比亚大学
29 Ulster 阿尔斯特大学
30 University of the Arts, London 伦敦艺术学院
但是个人建议是伦敦艺术大学还不错的,伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London 为以下一些学院组成
1.Camberbwell College of Arts 坎伯韦尔艺术学院
2.Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design 中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院
3.Chelsea College of Art and Design 切尔西艺术与设计学院
4.London College of Communication 伦敦传媒学院
5.London College of Fashion 伦敦时装学院
6.Wimbledon College of Art 温布尔登艺术学院
我以前在它的语言中心学过,其中最著名的是圣马丁学院,而且其学校有一个FASHION学院就在OXFORD STREET上,另一个在市中心的就是他的语言学校在BOND STREET上,是绝对的市中心,旁边就是各种百货商店和奢侈品(我每天放学都很郁闷和受刺激,不过还好,我回中国了),我一个朋友在那里读,她原来是李宁的服装设计师,后来就去这个FASHION学院了,但是你一定要注意,服装设计专业你一定要计算学费之后的额外费用,比如在学习途中交作业制作打版等等,那边的布料和手工费用相当昂贵,我一个朋友就是设计师,自己设计所以很恐怖的。


住宿费:160每周,在ZONE 1-2的位置,FLAT那种,单人间。如果一年就是52周左右,8500镑左右

交通费:25.8每周 ZONE1-2 OYSTER卡,1500镑左右(你别出伦敦)估计加上去去别的地方要在2000镑左右




英国金斯顿留学费用 英国金斯顿大学音乐专业申请解析






Composing for Film and Television MMus影视配乐创作

Electroacoustic Composition MMus电声合成

Music Education MA音乐教育

Music MA音乐

Music Performance MMus音乐表演

Music & the Creative Economy MA音乐和创意经济

Production of Popular Music MMus流行音乐制作





英国金斯顿留学费用 英国金斯顿大学音乐专业申请解析


金斯顿大学(Kingston University)是英国一所著名的大学,迄今有100多年历史。金斯顿大学的立校宗旨是提供最优质的教育,而这一特点已经被证明。目前,学校有七个学院,部分学院教学质量达到世界一流水平,有专门的学院奖学金。除了学院奖学金,学校还统一为留学生提供本科奖学金和研究生奖学金。下面请看的相关介绍。

International scholarships


The International Office awards more than 40 international scholarships to international students (those classified with an 'overseas' fee status) every year. These awards are given to: encourage academic excellence; increase the diversity of our student population; and develop relationships.

Our international scholarships are partial scholarships . This means that you must make sure you can cover the outstanding amount for fees and living expenses yourself.

International scholarship applications for offer holders starting in September 2017 are now open, and will close on 31 May 2017.

We offer the following international scholarships: undergraduate scholarships; postgraduate scholarships – for both September and January entry, and undergraduate scholarships for Indian students





Undergraduate scholarships

We offer awards to international students totalling £200,000 every year, with our international scholarships each worth £4,000 per year of study.

The scholarships are open to prospective full-time undergraduate students in any subject area for each year of a three-year course (subject to satisfactory progress).

International scholarship applications for offer holders starting in September 2017 are now open, and will close on 31 May 2017.


金斯顿大学每年为国际生提供金额为200,000 英镑的奖学金,国际奖学金每个学年的单项金额为4000英镑。



Who can apply?

You can apply for an award if you:

are an international student (classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes);

have an offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on an undergraduate degree course at Kingston for 2017/18 entry; and

are not currently registered on an undergraduate course at Kingston University.

How are the scholarships awarded?

Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

academic merit;

what you expect to gain from the course you are taking; and

what you intend to do after completing the course.




(2)拿到金斯顿大学2017/18 学年本科学位课程名额录取通知书,并且







What do I need to apply?

Before you begin your application, please make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria. You must:

be an international student (classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes);

have an offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on a course at Kingston for 2016/17 entry; and

not currently be registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University.

Please note that you will need electronic copies of the following documents to make your application online:

a copy of your Kingston University offer letter;

an academic reference letter;

a copy of your academic transcript/worksheet; and

a copy of your Academic IELTS or TOEFL result (where applicable).

How do I apply?

Please note that we cannot consider applications received after the deadline. Remember that the scholarships application procedure is separate from the admissions application procedure. You apply for the international scholarship via our online system and you'll need electronic copies of the documents mentioned in the above section to attach to your application.

Please note: if the application deadline falls during a weekend, we will continue to accept submissions until midday (UK time) on the following Monday.














Postgraduate scholarships

We offer awards totalling £200,000 every year, with our international scholarships each worth £4,000. These are open to prospective full-time postgraduate students in any subject area on a one-year taught masters degree based at Kingston University.

Scholarships are available for both September entry and January entry (for courses with a relevant start date).

International scholarship applications for offer holders starting in September 2017 are now open, and will close on 31 May 2017.


金斯顿大学每年提供金额为200,000 英镑的奖学金,国际奖学金的单项金额为4000英镑。这些奖学金向即将入学全日制研究生课程的学生开放,金斯顿大学任何学科领域一年制授课型硕士学位的学生都可以申请。研究生奖学金在9月和1月均开放,适用于有相关开始日期的课程。


Who can apply?

You can apply for an award if you:

are an international student (classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes);

have an offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on a course at Kingston for September 2017 entry; and

are not currently registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University.

How are the scholarships awarded?

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of:

academic merit;

what you expect to gain from the course you are taking; and

what you intend to do after completing the course.




(2)拿到金斯顿大学2017年9月课程名额录取通知书,并且 留学摆渡人







What do I need to apply?

Before you begin your application, please make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria. You must:

be an international student (classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes);

have an offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on a course at Kingston for September 2017 entry; and

not currently be registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University.

Please note that you will need electronic copies of the following documents to make your application online:

a copy of your offer letter;

an academic reference letter;

a copy of your academic transcript/worksheet; and

a copy of your Academic IELTS or TOEFL result (where applicable).

How do I apply?

Please note that we cannot consider applications received after the deadline. Remember that the scholarships application procedure is separate from the admissions application procedure. You apply for the international scholarship via our online system and you'll need electronic copies of the documents mentioned in the above section to attach to your application.

Please note: if the application deadline falls during a weekend, we will continue to accept submissions until midday (UK time) on the following Monday.














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